> >  > Explicit setting of :
> >  >
> >  > \setupcaptions[way=bysection]
> >  > \setupformulas[way=bysection]
> >  >
> >  > works.
> >  >
> >  > Best wishes,
> >  > Taco
> >
> >
> > I'm afraid this suggestion ALMOST works---it restarts the numbering in
> > each new section, but it
> > does not prefix the numbers with the section number, so my previous
> > example gives two Figure 1's.
> \setupcaptions[way=bysection,prefixsegments=section]
> \setupformulas[way=bysection,prefixsegments=section]
> Wolfgang

Thanks Wolfgang, that is absolutely fantastic. I'm so happy I might just make a note of that on the wiki!


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