Hi, I'm only getting the following problem with the Linux version of Acrobat reader 4.0. I don't have the v4.0 of the reader for Windows (I have the complete version). There is no problem with v3 of the reader and it works fine with the SGI v4.0. The attached code, as far as I can tell, should give me two pink boxes to the left of the screen. Instead the first one is green and the second is pink! If I remove the color=fitpink from th4e \setuphead command, the boxes are both pink. Ideas anyone? Don't worry about formatting, etc. I just took as much from my presentation style as I needed to reproduce the problem. - Matt -- Dr. Matthew Baker matthew.baker@gmd.de GMD - FIT.MMK http://fit.gmd.de/hci/pages/matthew.baker.html