On Fri, 25 Aug 2006, Aditya Mahajan wrote: > On Tue, 8 Aug 2006, Aditya Mahajan wrote: > > [ A long list of feature requests ] > > Here is something that was not in my original list: subformula > numbering. > > [...] > > I was thinking of a better (rather more familar) way of treating > subformulas by imitating the \begin{subequations} .... > \end{subeqations} environment of latex. > > I propose a \startsubformula .... \stopsubformula environment, so > that inside it, I will get subformula numbers rather than formula > numbers. Having discovered conversions (see my previous mail on tagged > formulas), I tried to implement it using conversions. The following > straightforward approach works fine. This is just a stop gap code, I > do not take care of inherting the right settings for formulas, but > it conveys the idea. > > Hans and Taco, can something like this be added to the core? If so, I > will try to make this macro more robust (correct inheritence, etc.) Here is a more robust version. I use \??sf as a namespace for subformulas. I do not think that this is used anywhere else. Aditya