Am Sun, Jun 05, 2022 at 04:52:52PM -0700 schrieb Thangalin: > This allows me to eliminate the dependency on both Pandoc and Inkscape. > I've also encountered some problems with SVG to MP, but Hans is usually > quick to fix the bugs given a minimal working example that pinpoints the > problem. Either way, it's possible to retain the Inkscape step by telling > ConTeXt not to use the MP conversion, as you alluded to, Juh. So true. So here is a mwe, which works with inkscape and not with mp. As some svg works with mp, I guess that mp cannot handle all svg dialects. But this is only a guess. juh -- Autoren-Homepage: ......... Satiren & Essays: ......... Privater Blog: ............ Netzliteratur-Projekt: ....