Hi all, if i try to "texexec --lua --make --all" i get following error message: -------------------------- (/usr/share/context/texmf-local/tex/context/base/lang-ini.mkiv ! LuaTeX error ...re/context/texmf-local/tex/context/base/lang-ini.lua:9: attempt to index global 'lang' (a nil value). \ctxluabytecode ...ode " .. "#1" .. str) end end } \registerctxluafile ...{\the \luabytecodecounter } \fi \fi l.16 \registerctxluafile{lang-ini}{1.001} ? -------------------------- line 9 in lang-ini.lua is: -------------------------- if lang.use_new then lang.use_new(true) end -------------------------- I use luatex 11.2 beta (self compiled). The error occurs in normal context and in the beta. Greetings Lutz