On Tue, 3 Mar 2015, Jörg Weger wrote: > In the minimal working example below inside of a text two words should > be printed inside of rounded TikZ rectangles and should be connected by > an TikZ arrow pointing from the first word to the other. > > TikZ offers the remember picture/overlay option for that. > > I have seen a solution similar to what I want to achieve in the METAFUN > manual but I don’t have a clue how to get that METAPOST alternative working. Here is how to get the metafun alternative working. 1. I don't understand why I need to manually input the mp-abck file; that should be input automatically. 2. The metafun alternative is a bit inconvenient. Suppose you want to draw a bunch of such graphics (words connected by arrows). Then, you will need to ensure that node names are unique. (Is there a way to get around that?) 3. I did not bother to set the style of the boxes and arrows. So it looks a bit dry. \startMPdefinitions % I don't know why this does not get loaded automatically. input mp-abck.mpiv; \stopMPdefinitions \defineoverlay[highlight] [\positionoverlay{highlightoverlay}] \startpositionoverlay{highlightoverlay} \setMPpositiongraphic{n1}{highlightgraphic}{from=n1,to=n2} \stoppositionoverlay \startMPpositiongraphic{highlightgraphic} save n; path n[]; initialize_box(\MPpos{\MPvar{from}}); n[1] := pxy; initialize_box(\MPpos{\MPvar{to}}); n[2] := pxy; draw n[1]; draw n[2]; drawarrow (center n[1]){dir 45} .. {dir -45}(center n[2]) cutbefore n[1] cutafter n[2]; anchor_box(\MPanchor{\MPvar{from}}); \stopMPpositiongraphic \setuppapersize[A6] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=highlight] \starttext \hpos{n1}{this} belongs to \hpos{n2}{that} \stoptext Aditya