On Sat, 14 May 2016, Hans Åberg wrote: > >> On 14 May 2016, at 01:25, Hans Hagen wrote: > >> installing and running the garden distribution is quite simple (as is updating) .. there are less files too (so no big burden to have it alongside tex live) > > With this installation, I get a strange bug: > > In the example below, the first integral gets ‘limits' in the displayed > formula, as though ‘nolimits’ has not been defined. It works if one puts > a character before the first integral sign. So it seems that the > \startformula command misses the ∫ definition on the first non-space > character. I haven't debugged this, but my guess is that the int symbol is read before \everymathematics is executed (because \startformula is looking ahead for the optional arguments in [...] and the only way to do so is read the next symbol and check if it is [). Use \startformula\relax ... \stopformula Aditya