Hi Joel (et al.), I tried the SBL bibliography setup with the latest LMTX; the example and bib database are from Dennis’ article on ligatures in the upcoming CG journal: """ \usebtxdataset[default][references.bib] \setupbtx[dataset=default] \usebtxdefinitions[sbl] \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext superior typographic output \cite[lefttext={e.g.}][taraborelli:beauty]. Therefore, the {\TEX}book mentions that the word \quotation{shel\noligature{ff}ul} should indeed be rendered without the ff-ligature \cite[righttext={p.~19}][knuth:texbook]. \placelistofpublications%[numbering=yes] \stoptext """ Unfortunately, I get some errors, while it works with APS and APA: -- invalid parent sbl:list:title:unpublished for sbl:list:title:thesis, sbl:list:title:unpublished defined too (best check it) -- Undefined control sequence \currentbtxloctext I installed your files in TEXMFHOME, and apparently, ConTeXt can find them. Here’s the shortened log: system > ConTeXt ver: 2022.05.11 11:36 LMTX fmt: 2022.7.4 int: english/english ... open source > level 1, order 2, name './bibtest.tex' publications > adding bib data to set 'default' from source 'references.bib' open source > level 2, order 3, name '/Users/hraban/texmf/context/context-sbl/tex/publ-imp-sbl.mkvi' system > error: invalid parent sbl:list:title:unpublished for sbl:list:title:thesis, sbl:list:title:unpublished defined too (best check it) close source > level 2, order 3, name '/Users/hraban/texmf/context/context-sbl/tex/publ-imp-sbl.mkvi' ... publications > analyzing previous publication run for 'default' tex error > tex error on line 34 in file ./bibtest.tex: Undefined control sequence \currentbtxloctext \22>:btx:sbl:cite:inline #1->\fastsetup {\s!btx :\s!cite :concat}\fastsetup {btx:sbl:cite:lefttext}\begingroup \letbtxparameter {punct}\empty \def \currentbtxcitealternative {inline}\def \currentbtxcategory {\btxfield {category}}\def \currentbtxloctext {\btxparameter {loctex \normalexpanded \Word {\fastsetup {btx:sbl:cite:inline} }\doif {\btxparameter {righttext}}{\empty } {\btxperiod } \strc_constructions_register_yes ...constructionparameter \c!referencetext }\iflocation \ifempty \currentconstructionbookmark \begingroup \simplifycommands \xdef \currentconstructionbookmark {\detokenize \expandafter {\normalexpanded {\constructionparameter \c!title }}}\endgroup ... \strc_notations_start_reference_indeed [#1]#*#2->\strc_constructions_register [][\c!label ={\descriptionparameter \c!text },\c!reference ={#1},\c!title ={#2},\c!bookmark =,\c!list =,\c!referencetext =] \strc_notations_wrapup \22>:btx:sbl:cite:footnote ...ct}}\begingroup \letbtxparameter {punct}\empty \let \doifendswithpunctelse \btx_sbl_doifendswithpunctelse \startfootnote \Word {\fastsetup {btx:sbl:cite:inline}}\doif {\btxparameter {righttext}}{\empty } {\btxperiod }\stopfootnote \endgroup \do ... ... superior typographic output \cite[lefttext={e.g.}][taraborelli:beauty] . The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. You can just continue as I'll forget about whatever was undefined. mtx-context | fatal error: return code: 1 Did I do something wrong, is the database not suitable for SBL, or is it a bug? Hraban