At the moment, I use “\,” between word and question marks. Also “~” between word and “:”. I guess the \definecharacterspacing is more flexible and transparent from text input point of view (only write normal space). IIRC both \, and ~ also avoids line breaking at their location. Is there a way to specify this too please ?

Thanks a lot for your valuable help,


Sent from Windows Mail

From: Rik Kabel
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎October‎ ‎23‎, ‎2015 ‎9‎:‎49‎ ‎PM

On 2015-10-23 15:19, wrote:

Is there any place I could find docs on \definecharacterspacing command please ? Could not find any occurrence on the Wiki.

The best description I have seen of it is in Wolfgang’s message on the mailing list at (or if you prefer pipermail navigation). Basically, define the spacings you want with \definecharacterspacing[myspacing][…][…=…,…=…] and put them in play with \setcharacterspacing[myspacing]. Do it within a group to have it apply only within that group, or apply it globally.

Sorry, no help here for the installation issue.
