Hello list mavens,

What are the circumstances under which style=italicface should be used instead of style=italic. I note a difference when I define highlighting. I expected to see no difference in the line before and line after the hairline the example below, but see that italicface adapts to nesting, while italic does not:

Are there other places where this makes a difference?

        [em=italicface] %same with italic for this example


{\em abc {\em def} ghi}: \type{\em}

\emph{abc {\emph def} ghi}: \type{\emph}

\emEm{abc {\emEm def} ghi}: \type{\emEm \definehighlight[style=\em]}

\emIf{abc {\emIf def} ghi}: \type{\emIf \definehighlight[style=italicface]}


\emIt{abc {\emIt def} ghi}: \type{\emIt \definehighlight[style=italic]}

