What exactly do you need? You can just process each component on its own. With a makefile or shell script, batch file, that should be easy enough. Or, do you need to have correct cross references, page numbers, etc.? I was asking a similar question two days ago, and Hans showed me how to add information to the log file: \writestatus{!!!!!}{SPLIT HERE: \the\realpageno} You should be then able to extract the split points from the log file and extract the components from the complete PDF. Or, if you know that you will need to split your document at certain structure elements (chapters, sections or so), it's even simpler. The lua script below will split your PDF at each chapter. It uses pdftk for splitting, but it should be easy to adapt this to context's own mechanism mentioned by Hans in the other thread. Denis ============ -- mit welchen Dateien arbeiten wir? local base = assert(arg[1], "Keine Datei angegeben") local pdf = base .. ".pdf" local tuc = base .. ".tuc" -- import .tuc-file /extension lua local utilitydata = dofile(tuc) local breakpoints = {} local last_page = utilitydata.structures.counters.collected["realpage"][1][1] print ("Letzte Seite: " .. last_page) -- iterate over .tuc => get breakpoints for index, content in pairs(utilitydata.structures.lists.collected) do if (content["titledata"]["label"] == "chapter") then table.insert(breakpoints,content["references"]["realpage"]) end end -- welches sind die Breakpoints? print("Wir haben folgende Breakpoints:") for index, content in pairs(breakpoints) do print (content) end -- wie viele Breakpoint haben wir? function tablelength(T) local count = 0 for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end return count end local breakpoints_length = tablelength(breakpoints) print ("Wir haben " .. breakpoints_length .. " Breakpoints.") -- Extraktionsbereiche festlegen local extractions = {} for index, breakpoint in pairs(breakpoints) do region = {} local startregion = breakpoint local nextstartregion = breakpoints[index + 1] local stopregion; if (nextstartregion == nil) then stopregion = last_page else stopregion = nextstartregion - 1 end region["start"] = startregion region["stop"] = stopregion table.insert(extractions,region) end print ("Wir extrahieren ...") for index, region in pairs(extractions) do print("von " .. region["start"] .. " bis " .. region["stop"]) local outputfile = "article" .. index .. ".pdf" local extract_command = "pdftk " .. pdf .. " cat " .. region["start"] .. "-" .. region["stop"] .. " output " .. outputfile os.execute(extract_command) end ============ Von: ntg-context Im Auftrag von Alan Bowen Gesendet: Montag, 1. März 2021 22:38 An: mailing list for ConTeXt users Betreff: [NTG-context] outputting components in their own PDFs I have a project-component setup and need to produce a single PDF file containing all the components as well as a PDF file for each component. The single file is easy. Is there a way to automate the generation of the PDF files for the individual components? Alan