@Book {WiFo2010, title = "Lesetypografie", author = "Willberg, Hans Peter and Forssman, Friedrich", publisher = "Hermann Schmidt", address = "Mainz", year = "2010", language = "german", keywords = "typography", } @Book {kgdz, author = "Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow", title = "Die kürzeste Geschichte der Zeit", title:en = "A Briefer History of Time", publisher = "Rowohlt", address = "Reinbek", year = "2005", language = "german", keywords = "physics;astromy;time", } @Book {rattenhka, author = "Bettina von Arnim and Gisela von Arnim", title = "Das Leben der Hochgräfin Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns", editor = "Otto Mallon", publisher = "S. Martin Fraenkel", address = "Berlin", year = "1926", language = "german", keywords = "novel;historical", }