On 12/2/2020 13:59, T. Kurt Bond wrote: > Interesting. > > Here is a an example that sort of works, Variant 1: > > \definefontfamily[english] [rm] [ebgaramond] [features={default, > dlig=no}] > \setupbodyfont[english,10pt] > \starttext > > Variant 1: > Does this look like EBGaramond? > > fi fl ffi ffl ct st > \stoptext > > > However, it turns of *all* the ligatures. > > Here is an example that works as expected, Variant 2: > > \definefontfeature[english][dlig=no] > \definefontfamily[ebgaramond] [rm] [EB Garamond] >  [features={default,english}] > \setupbodyfont[ebgaramond,10pt] > > \starttext > > Variant 2: > Does this look like EBGaramond? > > fi fl ffi ffl ct st > \stoptext > > > It turns off just the ct and st ligatures. > > I've attached the generated PDF files for both variants. > > No, it turns off other ligatures as well, so is not a generally workable solution. (Try *fj* and *ſi*, for two examples.) -- Rik