Hi Seyal,

See below:

------ Original Message ------
From "Hans Hagen" <j.hagen@xs4all.nl>
To "seyal.zavira@gmail.com" <seyal.zavira@gmail.com>; "mailing list for ConTeXt users" <ntg-context@ntg.nl>
Date 5/9/2024 3:31:45 AM
Subject [NTG-context] Re: rendering arabic diacritics

** Caution: EXTERNAL Sender **
On 5/9/2024 10:03 AM, seyal.zavira@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all,
when i want to use the linked font for arabic texts it doesn't render diacritics properly
i doesn't have problem with this font in inkscape or libreoffice
what featureset should i apply?
font link:
this is my MWE:
\definefontfeature [arabis]
\definefont [Ahang] [file:Ahang-Regular.otf*arabis at 18pt]
{\Ahang تَشْكِيل كَسْرَة}
\definefont [Ahang] [file:Ahang-Regular.otf*arabic at 18pt]
but there is an issue with widths, ill send you a patch to test

The provided "*arabic" featureset should suffice for this font. Also TEXpage is useful for this kind of MWE:

\definefont [Ahang] [file:Ahang-Regular.otf*arabic at 18pt]
{\Ahang تَشْكِيل  كَسْرَة}

In prehistoric ConTeXt version 

   2023.09.26 18:19 

the diacritics look fine in both ConTeXt and unicode editor MS Notepad.

So if there is something wrong, it must be in a more recent version. 

For comparison: Before applying Hans' patch, could you kindly send your pdf of the MWE that shows the error? Mine is attached.

Best wishes
Idris Samawi Hamid, Professor
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523