> > I was specifically looking for a *complete* test file that > I could run. This preamble does not help me in finding the > problem because I don't see the actual usage. > > In any case, your context should not be too old. > > Best, Taco > Hi Taco, Here is the minimum tex code and the bib file. My context version is 2005.10.27. Sorry for the inconvenience. Roy %bibliorgraphy \usemodule[bib] \usemodule[bibltx] \setupbibtex[database=nanomechanics, sort=author] \setuppublications[sorttype=bbl, alternative=apa] \setupcite[authoryears][otherstext={{\it et al.}}] \setupcite[author][left=,right=,otherstext={{\it et al.}}] %====================the body goes here===================================== \starttext \startbodymatter %\showlayout \chapter{Introduction} Submicron materials are now found to exhibit extreme large yield strength as high as 10 times when compared with their bulk counterparts, which is known as the size effect of strength. 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