Dear Wolfgang, I've made an MWE. It seems that once I changed the layout, the output would be a little strange: * The edgefigure (default=outer) on the odd pages can't be moved to the margin. Those on the even pages are fine as long as I use "leftmargindistance=-\innercombitotal" * the marginfigure (default={outermargin, hanging}) on the odd pages are fine, but those on the even pages have a weird offset. * by the way, the offset of the marginfigure on the even pages are the same as the edgefigure on the even pages if I set "leftmargindistance=-\outercombitotal" I managed to make the marginfigure work by adding (just in this case) leftmargindistance=\dimexpr\outercombitotal-\innercombitotal\relax, rightmargindistance=0pt But I could never make edgefigure work. Its different behavior on odd and even pages really bothers me. Although the output is acceptable now, I'm still concerned that the settings are not logical (to a human being). I'm afraid that one day it won't work out like that. Here's the MWE: =========================================== \showframe \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided] \definepapersize [911] [width=9in, height=11in] \setuppapersize [911] \setuplayout [backspace=1in% ,leftmargin=.5in% ,leftmargindistance=0.25in% ,width=5.5in% ,rightmargindistance=0.25in% ,rightmargin=2in% ] \definefloat [edgefigure] [figure] \setupfloat [edgefigure] [rightmargindistance=-\outercombitotal ,leftmargindistance=-\innercombitotal ,default={outer,low,high,none}] \definefloat [marginfigure] [figure] \setupfloat [marginfigure] [default={outermargin,hanging,none}] \startbuffer[fitframe] \framed[width=\rightmarginwidth,height=.6\rightmarginwidth,framecolor=darkgreen]{\tt width=rightmarginwidth} \stopbuffer \startbuffer[wideframe] \framed[width=2\rightmarginwidth,height=.6\rightmarginwidth,framecolor=darkred]{\tt width=2*rightmarginwidth} \stopbuffer \starttext \chapter{edge} \dorecurse{10}{ \startplaceedgefigure \getbuffer[fitframe] \stopplaceedgefigure \input knuth } \chapter{margin} \dorecurse{10}{ \startplacemarginfigure \getbuffer[fitframe] \stopplacemarginfigure \input knuth } \dorecurse{10}{ \startplacemarginfigure \getbuffer[wideframe] \stopplacemarginfigure \input knuth } \stoptext =========================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------ From:Wolfgang Schuster Sent At:2019 May 29 (Wed.) 17:55 To:ι™ˆδΉ‹εˆ ; mailing list for ConTeXt users Subject:Re: [NTG-context] Extend figure to margin, or extend figure from margin to text Zhichu schrieb am Mi., 29. Mai 2019, 10:30: Hi everyone, I am writing a book, in which all figures are placed in the margin. But some graphics are too big to fit in the margin. I was wondering whether there's an elegant way to use some room of the text body? Take a look into the Details manual: Wolfgang