Hi frantisek, this Context-CV-Example was send over this mailing list a year or so ago.. Kind regards, Chris %% Ein Context-Skript als Vorlage für einen Lebenslauf %D \module \setuppapersize[letter][letter] \setuplayout[backspace=1.5in,width=5.5in,margin=2.5em] \setuppagenumbering[location=footer] \setupinmargin[align=right] \setupitemize[1][paragraph,atmargin,unpacked][symbol=n,indentnext=no,] \setupitemize[2][symbol=a][indentnext=no] %\setupitemize[3][symbol=a][indentnext=no] \definehead[CVHEAD][subject] \setuphead[subject][style=\bfa,after={\blank[medium]}] \definehead[SUBCVHEAD][subsubject] \setuphead[subsubject][style=\bf,after={\blank[small]},before={\blank[small]}] \defineparagraphs[ContactColumns][n=2] \setupparagraphs[ContactColumns][each][rule=off,distance=0pt] \define[2]\CVTITLE{\midaligned{\framed[frame=off,align=middle] {{\bfa #1}\blank[medium]{\tfb#2}}}\blank[small]} \define[1]\CVEMAIL{{\bf Email:}{ \type{#1}}\blank} % \framed is good for testing or fine-tuning \CONTACT \define[2]\CONTACT{%\framed[frame=off,width=broad,align=right,strut=no, %offset=none,height=fit] %{% \startalignment[middle] \startContactColumns {\bf Office:}\crlf {#1} \ContactColumns {\bf Home:}\crlf {#2} \stopContactColumns \stopalignment} %} % \framed is used to prevent pagebreaks within an \<>ITEM<> \define[5]\EDUITEM{\framed[frame=off,align=right,width=broad] {{\bf #1}\inmargin{\it #2}\ (#3).\crlf {\bf #4}, #5.\blank[small]}} \define[6]\EDUITEMMA{\framed[frame=off,align=right,width=broad] {{\bf #1}\inmargin{\it #2}\ (#3).\crlf {\bf #4}, #5.\crlf {\bf Thesis:} {\em #6}. \blank[small]}} \define[7]\EDUITEMPHD{\framed[frame=off,align=right,width=broad] {{\bf #1}\inmargin{\it #2}\ (#3).\crlf {\bf #4}, #5.\crlf {\bf Dissertation:} {\em #6}.\crlf {\bf Advisor:} #7. \blank[small]}} \define[4]\ACADITEM{\framed[frame=off,align=right,width=broad] {{\bf Location:}\inmargin{\it #1}\ #2.\crlf {\bf Position:} #3.\crlf {\bf Responsibilities:} #4. \blank[small]}} \define[2]\GRANTITEM{\framed[frame=off,align=right,width=broad] {\inmargin{\it #1} #2.}} \setupbodyfont[11pt] % 11pt seems pretty standard for cv's \endinput ========================================= ===============cv-resume.tex============= \usemodule[resume] \starttext \CVTITLE{Curriculum Vitae}{Idris Samawi Hamid} \CONTACT{Department of \TeX\ Studies\crlf % 221 Eddy Hall\crlf \TeX\ State University\crlf Fort Collins, CO 80523 \crlf USA\crlf (970) 491-2406/6315 } {1234 \TeX\ Road\crlf \TeX{}ville, CO 80555 \crlf USA\crlf (800) TEX-5555\crlf} \CVEMAIL{ishamid@texstate.edu} \CVHEAD{Education} \EDUITEMPHD {PhD} {2007} {\TeX\ Studies} {\TeX\ University} {Amherst, NY} {Arabic Critical Editions} {\TeX\ Distinguished Professor Hans Hagen} \EDUITEMMA {MA} {1996} {Physics} {University at Buffalo, State University of New York} {Amherst, NY} {G\"{o}del's Universe, the Mach Principle, and the Cosmological Principle: Considerations for the Philosophy of Physics} \EDUITEM{BSc}{1990}{Physics; minor, Mathematics}{Georgia State University}{Atlanta, GA} %% positions % academic positions \CVHEAD{Academic Positions} \ACADITEM {2001--2007} {\TeX\ State University, \TeX{}ville, CO} {Associate Professor} {Instruction and research, especially the development of upper-level courses in \TeX\ and \Context} \CVHEAD{Areas of Specialization} Metaphysics of \TeX, Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Mysticism, Philosophy of Science. \CVHEAD{Philosophic Interests} \TeX\ Logic, Category Theory, Chinese Philosophy. % other skills \CVHEAD{Languages and Technical Skills} Arabic, French, and the professional computer typesetting language \TeX, including the major dialects \LaTeX, \Context, as well as the minor dialects Arab\TeX (for typesetting in Arabic script) and EDMAC (for critical edition typesetting). I am also developing a new Arabic-script system for scholarly typesetting, {\sc Oriental \TeX}, based upon \TeX\ and \Context. % patents \CVHEAD{Publications} \SUBCVHEAD{Books Authored} \startitemize \item Idris Samawi Hamid, 2006, {\it The Cosmology of \TeX}, \TeX\ University Press, 240 pp. \stopitemize \SUBCVHEAD{Articles} \startitemize \item Idris Samawi Hamid, 2005, {\it Installing Expert Fonts: Minion Pro}. In {\it MAPS}, Issue~33; pp.~19--35. Published by the Nederlandstalige \TEX\ Gebruikersgroep (NTG), Netherlands. \stopitemize \CVHEAD{Grants} \GRANTITEM{2006--2007} {{\it Oriental \TeX: A New Direction in Scholarly Complex-Script Typesetting}; Academic Enrichment Program, College of Liberal Arts, CSU; \$42,927} \CVHEAD{Presentations} \startitemize \item 2007, ``Oriental \TeX'', 1\high{st} Annual \Context\ Conference, Epen, the Netherlands. \stopitemize \CVHEAD{Service} \SUBCVHEAD{Profession} \startitemize \item The \TeX\ Users Group. \stopitemize \SUBCVHEAD{Department} \startitemize \item Graduate Committee, 2002--2005, 2006--2007. \item Advisory Committee, 2005--2006. \stopitemize \SUBCVHEAD{College} \startitemize \item \TeX\ Studies Committee, 2001--2006. \stopitemize \SUBCVHEAD{University} \startitemize \item Faculty Council, Fall 2005. \stopitemize \CVHEAD{Thesis/Dissertation Direction} \startitemize \item Joseph Ramagli (MA), ``\TeX\ Theology in Context'', in progress. \stopitemize \stoptext ========================================= -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523