On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 12:30 AM, Marcin Borkowski <mbork@atos.wmid.amu.edu.pl> wrote:
Dnia Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 05:38:44PM +0200, Taco Hoekwater napisa&#322;(a):
> Hi,
> John Devereux wrote:
> >
> > I myself am very interested in *reading* it - I was delighted to see
> > the new fonts chapter and the new documention project in general. But
> > I am not sure I can contribute much. I am much more of a "consumer"
> > than a "producer", of accurate information. Partly due to lack of time,
> > but also lack of knowledge :)
> There actually is something you (and everybody else) can do: provide
> feedback on the current version of the manual(s). For example, it
> would be nice to know whether there are errors or unclarities in it
> (or omissions, but that actually does require knowledge).
> For an easy start, the two pdfs of the "typography" and "fonts"
> chapters are on-line:
> http://context.aanhet.net/svn/contextman/context-reference/en/co-typography.pdf
> http://context.aanhet.net/svn/contextman/context-reference/en/co-fonts.pdf

Also see
