hi david, I'm working in printing house > > A sad story: My context-typeset dissertation was printed/distributed by a > POD publisher with aweful typographical errors (like all commas in the main > font being replaced by an ff ligature). > Horrors, and really strange > Obviously the printer didn't check their results. > The file *reads* fine both for me and the publisher, but the printer let us > know that the file is unprintable due to problems with fonts not being > embedded > This is a common problem > (why they originally printed an "unprintable" file I'll never know). > money ? > > Now as far as I can tell, fonts *are *embedded. It was made with context > MKII, using hz and hanging punctuation, etc. When I look at the document in > Adobe Acrobat, and check the document/font details, it gives a list of > embedded fonts only. > Are you sure? As pable write pdffonts is very good > > I'm not certain that the printer is in the right, but how can I tell? Is it > possible that the pdf was altered when transferred from me to the publisher > then to the printer? > With very hight probability , no ; pdf is a 'bynary' format an alteration will broken the file. > That compression of the pdf (zip) had any impact? > With very hight probability , no . > Any other possibilities? What do you need to know to offer advice? > > I can send the file or a part of it if it is needed. > yes, if you want . -- luigi