On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 4:48 PM, Zhichu Chen <zhichu.chen@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi guys,

This may sound crazy, but I have to do a presentation with a stretched

The thing is, I have a laptop with a normal screen, and it'll be plugged to
a very big wide screen monitor so that people can see the slides on the
big screen. I have to look at my laptop and present for the people, so
what I'm thinking is make a stretched output on my 4:3 screen which
looks very narrowed and then the effect on the screen will be just as

Is there an easy option for this?
hmm are you sure that there isn't a way to
choose a graphic mode for you output that do what you want ?
Otherwise, maybe you can make a pdf -> ps,
apply a matrix transformation with ghostscript  to this ps and reconvert to pdf
Or you can use something like
