I keep gnawing on this now ... Added the following (see attachment): \xmlval{fo:color}{\xmlatt{#1}{color}}{} and \xmlmapvalue{fo:color}{#ff0000}{\color[red]} Which works just fine (given you use "\setupcolors[state=start]" as well), but is there a way to generically paste the "ff0000" bit into the place of "red"? I played around with "system=rgb", but context won't take "ff0000" as a parameter ... Another question: underlining in ConTeXt (as far as I can discern) needs a "\startunderline"/"\stopunderline" pair, no? Accordingly the combination of \xmlval{style:text-underline-style}{\xmlatt{#1}{text-underline-style}}{} and \xmlmapvalue{style:text-underline-style}{solid}{?} doesn't work ... what's the proper construct to have xmlflush flanked by underline statements? And even more ... how to match generically, such that "sub*" (which doesn't work) might be used in a combination of \xmlval{style:text-position}{\xmlatt{#1}{text-position}}{} and \xmlmapvalue{style:text-position}{sub*}{\subscript} and any percentage following "sub" will be matched? Essentially I'm asking here how to use the regex "sub.*" in xmlmapvalue ... Thanks for your time - the learning curve is steep. Where can one look up stuff like this? Joh