On Tue, 13 Jul 2021, Jeong Dal wrote: > Dear Aditya, > > Thank you for your code and an explanation. > > > Let's assume that the last MPpage was a \startuseMPgraphic{boxes} .... \stopuseMPgraphic. Suppose I wanted to use these pictures in a presentation. On the first slide, I can use > > > > \useMPgraphic[stacking=0]{boxes} > > > > to show the three boxes, and on the next slide, I can use > > > > \useMPgraphic[stacking={-1,0}]{boxes} > > > > I tried to reproduce your example using \startuseMPgraphic{boxes} … \stopuseMPgraphic, and useMPgraphic[stacking=0]{boxes} . > A modified one of your code is below. > There is no error message but no output at all. > Would you please tell me what is wrong in here? > [...] > \startuseMPgraphic[offset=2mm]{boxes} > [...] You cannot use [offset=2mm] here. Just use \startuseMPgraphic{boxes}. Aditya