On Tue, 31 May 2022, Michal Vlasák via ntg-context wrote: > On Mon May 30, 2022 at 8:19 PM CEST, Jan-Erik Hägglöf via ntg-context wrote: > > With latest LMTX installed on my Monterey intel MacBook Air and Zint version 2.11 > > > > optional > using library '/Users/janneman/CTX/tex/texmf-osx-64/bin/lib/luametatex/zint/libzint.so' > > zint > something went wrong: invalid result vector > > zint > something went wrong: invalid result vector > > zint > something went wrong: invalid result vector > > … > > Luametatex is still built against zint 2.10, which is on the binary > level incompatible with 2.11, so you should try 2.10 in the meantime. > > Ultimately there are three possibilities for the long run: > > 1) Everyone sticks with 2.10 (which may be problematic since binaries > for this "old" version may gradually cease to be available). > > 2) Hans updates luametatex to zint 2.11, which would mean that a lot of > people would need to update their zint installations now (and possibly > in the future for every update). This is what was done last time with > the update to 2.10. > > 3) luametatex gains compatibility with 2.10 *and* 2.11. > > Not sure what is the best way to proceed, since 3) is the messiest > implementation wise, but nicest for the users. Another option is to call the binary via the filter module. Here is an example which uses the `barcode` binary. It should be easy to adapt this to call `zint`. https://github.com/adityam/filter/blob/dev/tests/13-filtersetup.tex The filter module caches the result, so the overhead of calling a binary instead of a library will be negligible. Aditya