Hello, I'd need to place a picture and let it be flowed by some text from the right side. My observation is that only one (= the first) paragraph flows the picture correctly (see the "\input tufte" only case); see the attached example. It there a way how to: - enable heads (e.g. \subject) in the hang-around area (see the "Ccc" text placement)? - enable more than one paragraph in the hang-around area (see the knuth being \input)? - enable "tabulate" (see "TTT ttt" and "UUU uuu" lines)? (The "C" "tabulate" style is defined in the way that the rightmost column should have fixed width of 2 in, whilst the leftmost column should have remaining width; "remaining" in this case should mean \textwidth minus width-of-the-picture (minus some gap).) I can imagine that \(start/stop)hangaround command is a bit limited and/or experimental in use; anyway - is there another way how to "earmark" some area for a picture and to use the "remaining" space for text flowing "as usual" with less restrictions? Best regards, Lukas