Hello, Lua solution: On Sun, 02 Sep 2012 17:59:55 +0200, Aditya Mahajan wrote: > Hi, > > On Edward Tufte's website, there is a discussion on zebra coloring in > tables[1]. One of the suggestion is to add a horizontal rule after every > third line or shade three lines with one background color and the > remaining three with another background color. > > Is there an easy way to do this with natural TABLEs? I can do something > like: > > \setupTABLE[row][1,2,3][background=color, backgroundcolor=gray] > \setupTABLE[row][7,8,9][background=color, backgroundcolor=gray] > > but it requires knowing the number of lines in advance. - it may be achieved by Lua, when the table has been defined as a Lua variable: ---- \startluacode tab = { { "a", "b", }, { "c", "d", }, { "e", "f", }, { "g", "h", }, } \stopluacode \starttext \startluacode local rows1 = {} for i = 1, #tab, 3 do table.insert(rows1, i) end -- Define rules here - setup first set of rows context.setupTABLE({"row"}, rows1, {background = "color", backgroundcolor = "gray"}) context.bTABLE() for i, r in ipairs(tab) do context.bTR() for j, d in ipairs(r) do context.bTD() context(d) context.eTD() end context.eTR() end context.eTABLE() \stopluacode \stoptext ---- Best regards, Lukas > > Aditya > > [1]: http://www.edwardtufte.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=0001IV