Dear gang, The tikz module works, as per the attached attached test file. I need some commutative diagrams and found something relatively recent and interesting: But \input'ing the file tikz-cd.tex after the tikz module does not work; I get an undefined control sequence for a normal tikz command. I commented the LaTeX commands % \ProvidesPackage{tikz-cd}[2012/12/30 v0.3c Commutative diagrams with tikz.] % \RequirePackage{tikz}[2010/10/13] % pgf version 2.10 required and the rest is just pgf syntax. What else do I need to do to get this working properly? Do I need to place tikz-cd in the pgf tree? If so, where? In the attached I have not used any code that depends on tikz-cd; comment \usemodule[tikz-cd] and the file runs fine. Thanks for any advice and Best wishes Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523