Hello, this minimal example (copied from http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Pgfplot and simplified) ---- t-Plot4.mkiv \usemodule[pgfplots] \starttext \starttikzpicture \startaxis \addplot[mark=none,color=red] plot file {sapphire.dat}; \stopaxis \stoptikzpicture \stoptext ---- worked with " This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.70.2-2012111114 (TeX Live 2012/W32TeX) \write18 enabled. (c:/ConTeXt/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/cont-yes.mkiv ConTeXt ver: 2012.11.26 13:31 MKIV fmt: 2012.11.27 int: english/english " - but doesn't work with " This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.78.3 (TeX Live 2013/W32TeX) (rev 4809) \write18 enabled. (d:/Ctx-Beta/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/cont-yes.mkiv ConTeXt ver: 2014.02.14 17:07 MKIV beta fmt: 2014.3.6 int: english/english " - error: " ... l.6 ...ark=none,color=red] plot file {sapphire.dat}; ! Package PGF Math Error: Could not parse input 'b' as a floating point number, sorry. The unreadable part was near 'b'... system > tex > error on line 6 in file sapphire.dat: ... 1 a b 2 1 2 3 10 20 4 30 -30 5 \pgfmath@PackageError ...e {Package #1 Error: #2.} \pgfkeysifdefined ...ifcsname pgfk@#1\endcsname #2 \else #3\fi \pgfkeys@unpack ...pgfeov \else \pgfkeys@case@one \fi \fi \pgfkeys@@normal ...pgfkeysnovalue =\pgfkeys@stop \pgfkeys@parse \pgfkeys@@set ... \pgfkeys@root \pgfkeys@parse #2, \pgfkeys@mainstop \def \pg... \pgfmathfloatparsenumber@handleerror ...={#2}{#3}} \ifx \pgfmathresult \pgfut... ... " Header-like (first) row is no more recognized/ignored? A (new?) pgfplot option must be specified? Thanks in advance. Best regards, Lukas -- Ing. Lukáš Procházka [mailto:LPr@pontex.cz] Pontex s. r. o. [mailto:pontex@pontex.cz] [http://www.pontex.cz] Bezová 1658 147 14 Praha 4 Tel: +420 241 096 751 Fax: +420 244 461 038