Hello, I encountered a phenomena that I cannot understand. Let's have the following code: ---- \def\T{% \startluacode context("t") \stopluacode } \def\U{% \startluacode -- context("u") \stopluacode } \starttext A \startluacode -- context("b") \stopluacode \T \U \stoptext ---- This gives "Abt" - but there is no "u". It seems that the (first) comment mark "--" within a \startluacode within \def (here: \def\U) causes all code till \stopluacode is being ignored. But why? Maybe I'm missing something very basic... Best regards, Lukas -- Ing. Lukáš Procházka | mailto:LPr@pontex.cz Pontex s. r. o. | mailto:pontex@pontex.cz | http://www.pontex.cz | IDDS:nrpt3sn Bezová 1658 147 14 Praha 4 Mob.: +420 702 033 396