Hello good people!

Simply trying to use Unicode symbols in a Pandoc Markdown document to be converted to a PDF. Please help me figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Here's my input file "test.md" (it's only one line):
  Folder 📁

Here's the Pandoc command:
   pandoc test.md -o test.pdf -V mainfont="DejaVu Sans" --pdf-engine=xelatex

Here's the result:
   Missing character: There is no 📁 (U+1F4C1) in font DejaVu Sans/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;mapping=tex-text;!

Attached is the "verbose" version (test.log).

Additional info:
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for any help you can provide. (I am thoroughly desperate).

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