One idea that might help, would be to put any conditional output in a div or span, and assign it a special class, e.g. "pdf-only".

Then all you need is a pandoc filter that removes all divs or spans with that class. That would be a generic filter that I think a lot of people could find a use for, and it's just a few lines of code.

On Monday, 20 March 2023 at 16:49:41 UTC Julien Dutant wrote:
If I understand well, the idea is to convert the following into two different outputs, depending on whether the output format is revealjs/pptx vs pdf?
``` markdown
Text text !!important claim here!! text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text
* Point 1 text text text text
* Point 2 text text text text
Would remain the same in pdf (or other document format) output, except that the `!! ... !!` content would be highlighted, while in slide output formats it would be converted to the following:
Would be converted to the following in slide ouputs:
``` markdown
important claim here
* Point 1 text text text text
* Point 2 text text text text
::: notes
Text text important claim here text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text
You'd have to write a Pandoc filter to do that ( ). It would make your work easier to use Span and Div markup rather than !! ... !!:
Text text [important claim here]{.imp} text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text
For the document, there's only highlighting to be done, that's fairly easy. For the slides, you need some restructuring of content, that's less trivial (replace the paragraphs with their important bits, saving the paragraphs along, and placing them at the end of the slide in a notes Div) but it can be done.
What's not clear to me is whether many people would use it. It seems pretty rigid: keep all the lists, remove all the paragraphs unless marked, the slide text must be verbatim in the document text (instead of summarizing it, for instance.


On Monday, March 20, 2023 at 1:08:28 PM UTC Amy de Buitléir wrote:
Pandoc supports speaker's notes, if that's what you're looking for. See

On Sunday, 19 March 2023 at 13:19:57 UTC Aldo “Scias” wrote:
¿Existe esta opción para convertir a diapositiva y documento?

Markdown with markup for relevant parts within a paragraph. !!Text!!
Markdown con marcado para partes relevantes dentro de un párrafo. !!Texto!!

Slide with the important parts and the containing paragraph as speaker notes.
Diapositiva con las partes importantes y el párrafo contenedor como notas del orador.presentation.png
Text document with the document and the important parts without modifications.
Documento de texto con el documento y las partes importantes sin modificaciones.
One markdown for two documents.
Another option is to create options to convert the entire document or for the summary or important parts of the content.

Un markdown para dos documentos.
Otra opcion es crear opciones para convertir el documento entero o para el resumen o partes importantes del contenido. 

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