$ pandoc -s -f dokuwiki -t gfm --resource-path=/home/user/src/wiki_gitbacked --extract-media ./media/ pages/test_webservices.txt -o ../dsi.wiki/test_webservices.md --verbose [INFO] Fetching http://test_webservices/rest.png... [WARNING] Could not fetch resource http://test_webservices/rest.png: HttpExceptionRequest Request { host = "test_webservices" port = 80 secure = False requestHeaders = [] path = "/rest.png" queryString = "" method = "GET" proxy = Nothing rawBody = False redirectCount = 10 responseTimeout = ResponseTimeoutDefault requestVersion = HTTP/1.1 proxySecureMode = ProxySecureWithConnect } (ConnectionFailure Network.Socket.getAddrInfo (called with preferred socket type/protocol: AddrInfo {addrFlags = [], addrFamily = AF_UNSPEC, addrSocketType = Stream, addrProtocol = 0, addrAddress =, addrCanonName = NothReplacing image with description.rvices", service name: Just "80"): does not exist (Try again)) pandoc: /test_webservices/soapui_pass1.png: withBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)