Worked well enough for me. Thank you very much!

On Tuesday, 20 December 2022 at 14:20:37 UTC+8 Albert Krewinkel wrote:
You probably want a filter like this (untested):

``` lua
function Link (link)
if '^outlook:' then
return link.content

Balaji Dutt <> writes:

> Hello,
> I am using Dendron as a personal knowledge management solution and
> from time to time, need to send some meeting notes that I take to
> others. Typically, my meeting notes will look something like this:
> #### Notes
> 1. Steal Underpants
> 2. ???
> 3. Profit!
> #### References
> - [Plan for world domination](outlook:<GUID>)
> - [Contingency Plan](
> As you can see the "References" section includes a "link" to an
> Outlook GUID. I'm using the Outlook Protocol handler (More info) to
> deep link to specific messages in my Inbox.
> Now while this works really nicely for me, it's not very useful when
> I share my notes with others. I'm trying to figure out if there's a
> way for me in Pandoc to setup a filter such that if Pandoc encounters
> these type of "outlook" links, it deletes the link leaving just the
> Link description. In other words, the output HTML for the above
> example would (ideally) look like this:
> <h4 id="references>References</h4>
> <ul>
> <li>[Plan for world domination]</li>
> <li><a href=">Contingency Plan</a></li>
> </ul>
> I've tried various combinations of keywords on "url", "filter",
> "link" etc but that has not yielded much result. I'm pretty sure this
> is not a very common problem and hence I'm hoping the group can help
> me figure out.
> I should also say as I'm using pandoc at my $dayjob which is a
> heavily restricted environment, I'm limited to an extremely old
> version of pandoc (v2.2.3) which is very unfortunate but also not
> easily resolvable.
> --
> Balaji Dutt

Albert Krewinkel
GPG: 8eed e3e2 e8c5 6f18 81fe e836 388d c0b2 1f63 1124

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