Templates, csl files, metadata files, and defaults can be stored in directories inside Pandoc's data dir. I find myself wanting to do something similar with bibliographies. Is there a reason why Pandoc doesn't support that?

I seem to recall that when the data dir was '~/.pandoc' (on Linux) this would work.

(Looking this up in the manual has also made me wonder what the difference is between saying that, e.g., `--template` takes 'FILE|URL' and, e.g., `--bibliography` and `--csl` take a FILE, which can be a URL. Do some things that take FILE not allow it to be a URL? For example, neither `--defaults` nor `--metadata-file` mention a URL. Also, some of these flags look in the resource path, before the data dir, and some don't, at least according to the manual.)

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