I am trying to convert some naif HTML snippets to markdown, everything works great expect for this strange behaviour that I am curious to know if I am missing something in pandoc or I need to fix it myself.

Having this HTML snippet:
<p>Lorem <a href="#">ipsum</a> dolor <a href="#" class="a">sit</a> amet.</p>

Using `link_attributes` extension, it returns:
$ printf '<p>Lorem <a href="#">ipsum</a> dolor <a href="#" class="a">sit</a> amet.</p>' | pandoc --from html --to markdown_strict+link_attributes
Lorem [ipsum](#) dolor [sit](#){.a} amet.

By omitting it, it returns:
$ printf '<p>Lorem <a href="#">ipsum</a> dolor <a href="#" class="a">sit</a> amet.</p>' | pandoc --from html --to markdown_strict
Lorem [ipsum](#) dolor <a href="#" class="a">sit</a> amet.

I was wondering if there is a way by omitting the `link_attributes` extension to replace anyway the hyperlink with extra attributes, ignoring the latter. The desired result would be:
$ printf '<p>Lorem <a href="#">ipsum</a> dolor <a href="#" class="a">sit</a> amet.</p>' | pandoc --from html --to markdown_strict
Lorem [ipsum](#) dolor [sit](#) amet.

Thank you.

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