My beamer saga continues… I noticed that headings look different when they're in a column from when they're not, and they also affect the rest of the text in a column. When not in a column, the heading has a different appearance as expected and that's about it. See the first attachment for a screen shot. The latex reads: \protect\hypertarget{heading-2-no-columns}{% Heading 2 no columns}} When in a column, the appearance and the latex are a lot different. See the second screenshot. (Ignore the missing image on the left.) The latex reads, with a lot more context, mostly snipped: \begin{column}{0.48\textwidth} \begin{block}{Heading 2 in column} \begin{itemize} \end{block} \end{column} The changes are: 1. The heading is now in a block. Maybe this is necessary inside the column, but it gives a very different look (here, drop shadows). My latex knowledge is crappy, so I don't know whether there's another way to do this (though see below). 2. This block includes *all* of the remainder of the frame, which I'm pretty sure is unnecessary. If I move the end of the block so that it immediately follows the beginning of the block and includes just the heading and not the rest of the frame, I get the third screen shot. The relevant latex for that (which I edited by hand) reads: \begin{column}{0.48\textwidth} \begin{block}{Heading 2 in column short block} \end{block} This is an improvement IMO and seems like a more correct way to do the formatting. For fun, I tried to get rid of the block around the heading in a column entirely, by mimicking the latex in the no-column example. Here's what I used: \begin{column}{0.48\textwidth}{% \protect\hypertarget{heading-2-in-column-no-block}{% Heading 2 in column no block}} The result is in the last screen shot. Basically the heading text doesn't look like a heading at all, so I don't think that worked. Again, my ignorance at work. Bottom line: I think the beamer writer should at least enclose only the heading text in a block. Better would be to format the heading text so that it comes out looking just like the no-column heading (in this theme - Madrid - that would mean without the drop shadows). -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "pandoc-discuss" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to pandoc-discuss+unsubscribe-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To post to this group, send email to pandoc-discuss-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To view this discussion on the web visit For more options, visit