When processing markdown with citations, in which the bibliographical references contain foreign titles, the resulting bibliography is capitalized in English title case. That is despite the fact that there is a language field in the bibtex file. I have attached a short bibtex file. When a markdown document is processed to Word, using the command: pandoc -C --bibliography=references.bib --csl=chicago-author-date.csl -o file.docx file.md the resulting references look like this: al-Kindı̄. 1997. Œuvres Philosophiques Et Scientifiques d’al-Kindı̄. Edited by Roshdi Rashed. Vol. 1. Islamic Philosophy, Theology, and Science. Leiden: Brill. Bellosta, Hélèna. 2002. “Burning Instruments: From Diocles to Ibn Sahl.” Arab. Sci. Philos. 12 (02): 285–303. Rashed, Roshdi. 1993. Géométrie Et Dioptrique Au Xe Siècle: Ibn Sahl, Al-qūhı̄ Et Ibn Al-Haytham. Paris: Les Belles Lettres. ———, ed. 2002. Les Catoptriciens Grecs: Les Miroirs Ardents. Paris: Les Belles lettres. As you see, the French titles have all been erroneously capitalized. It doesn't seem to make any difference whether I specify a csl file or not. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "pandoc-discuss" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to pandoc-discuss+unsubscribe-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/Ez6ZCGd0@public.gmane.org To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/pandoc-discuss/251182f4-aa0e-45cc-a859-6e2a78cc1696n%40googlegroups.com.