Hello all,

I have some troubles with escaping sequence in a Lua filter. I am using the function Str() and I simply want to generate the text "\cite" in a Latex output . 
This is the function:
return pandoc.Str([[\cite{]]..latex_citekey.."}")

The output is: \textbackslash cite\{
How do I escape the converter if I want to get an output like "\cite"? I think it has something to do with inline characters, but I do not know how to use them.

Here is the bigger picture: 

I am trying to convert with Pandoc DOCX files to Latex. I use Zotero references and a Better than Bibtex style in docx to create references for pandoc.
The --citedoc --natlib --bibliography=<.bib file> options works with single reference in DOCX 
The entry: [@parker2009computinguncomputablediscrete]
is converted to \cite{parker2009computinguncomputablediscrete}

[@cartwright2006wellorderedscience; @cichy2019deepneuralnetworks; @parker2009computinguncomputablediscrete]

is not converted but kept exactly like that in the Latex file. But the Docx conversion does not work for multiple references or for prefixes or suffixes of citations. But the same pandoc command for a markdown input works fine. I suspect there is some difference on how the docx and markdown converter works.

I am currently almost done with writing a Lua filter and the intention is to generate the correct output

\cite{cartwright2006wellorderedscience, cichy2019deepneuralnetworks, parker2009computinguncomputablediscrete}

Thanks in advance!


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