Wondering about this again. Albert, are you suggesting something like a custom docbook reader might be useful here? https://pandoc.org/custom-readers.html Are thee examples of custom docbook readers you can point to? 



On Friday, November 25, 2022 at 10:24:13 AM UTC Aidan Reilly wrote:
Hi Albert!

So here is the complete example: 

$ cat callout.adoc
  address: <bmc_address>
  credentialsName: <secret_credentials_name>  <1>
  disableCertificateVerification: True
<1> `credentialsName` needs a callout

$ cat callout.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<article xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0" xml:lang="en">
<programlisting language="yaml" linenumbering="unnumbered">bmc:
  address: &lt;bmc_address&gt;
  credentialsName: &lt;secret_credentials_name&gt;  <co xml:id="CO1-1"/>
  disableCertificateVerification: True</programlisting>
<callout arearefs="CO1-1">
<para><literal>credentialsName</literal> needs a callout</para>

$ pandoc -t markdown -f docbook callout.xml
``` yaml
  address: <bmc_address>
  credentialsName: <secret_credentials_name>  
  disableCertificateVerification: True

-   `credentialsName` needs a callout

I'm just not clear whether this can be handled with a lua filter or not.



On Wednesday, November 23, 2022 at 5:39:22 PM UTC Albert Krewinkel wrote:

Aidan Reilly <aire...-H+wXaHxf7aLQT0dZR+AlfA@public.gmane.org> writes:

> A feature of docbook/asciidoc that is really useful is codeblock
> callouts. It seems that this is not currently supported in the latest
> pandoc.

I didn't know about callouts, they seem like a nice and useful feature:

Could you post the DocBook code generated by asciidoctor? I suspect that
this feature would require changes to the docbook reader, but maybe once
could make do with a custom Lua reader.

> Is there a way to tell pandoc to passthrough codeblocks "untouched"?
> I think if this was the case a lua filter could apply the rest of the
> markup I need.
> Example:
> $ cat callout.adoc
> [source,yaml]
> ----
> bmc:
> address: <bmc_address>
> credentialsName: <secret_credentials_name> <1>
> disableCertificateVerification: True
> ----
> <1> `credentialsName` needs a callout>
> Run through asciidoctor > pandoc:
> $ asciidoctor -b docbook -o - callout.adoc | pandoc -t markdown -f
> docbook
> ``` yaml
> bmc:
> address: <bmc_address>
> credentialsName: <secret_credentials_name>
> disableCertificateVerification: True
> ```
> - `credentialsName` needs a callout
> Any other suggestions or strategies welcome

Albert Krewinkel
GPG: 8eed e3e2 e8c5 6f18 81fe e836 388d c0b2 1f63 1124

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