On 2020-09-14 00:00, anna ecke wrote: > At the moment, the location where footnotes are rendered into can be > configured with the option reference-location > . Unfortunately, > it only takes effect when rendering markdown. I'd like to get my footnotes > rendered into the same slide it was mentioned/written in. > > My question is now, would it make sense to propose this on github as a > feature request, or should I just go ahead and write a filter for this? I'm > not an Haskell expert and I haven't checked out the code base to look what > needs to be changed to make that kind of behaviour work or what amount of > effort it might take. > > Happy to hear any opinion or even receive links the code responsible for > this or to projects that have solved this already. > > cheers, > ae > Nothing prevents you from constructing your notes manually, placing note references as sequential numbers in the text and a list with each note text at the appropriate list number at the bottom of each slide. Presumably no links between note markers and notes would be needed in a slide show, which makes things easier, although you might want to wrap the note numbers in the text in spans with a class and the lists with notes in divs with another class for styling. Using a little CSS magic and a Lua filter you can both get note references and note list numbers styled and colored appropriately, *and* reveal yourself of the need to insert note numbers manually, although you still need to insert divs with an appropriate class where you want a note reference to appear, and need to make sure that the notes in the list come in the right order relative to the note references in the text of each slide. Something like this: ``````markdown ## Slide heading The text [mentioning]{.note} some [thing]{.note} or [other]{.note} goes here. :::notes 1. Text for note. 2. Text for note. 3. Text for note. ::: `````` and then in some appropriate place some custom CSS: ``````css span.note:after { content: counter(note-ref-counter); vertical-align: super; color: blue; font-size: 50%; } div.notes ol { list-style: none; font-size: 50%; } section.slide, section.title-slide { counter-reset: note-ref-counter note-counter; } div.notes ol li:before { content: counter(note-counter); vertical-align: super; color: blue; display: inline-block; width: 1em; margin-left: -1em; } span.note { counter-increment: note-ref-counter; } div.notes ol li { counter-increment: note-counter; } `````` This should give you blue superscript note markers and blue superscript list markers without any trailing dot, automatically numbered sequentially for each slide. I tried to make the count be for the whole file rather than for each slide, but Chrome insists on resetting the counters to 1 when they have reached 9. Perhaps someone who understands CSS counters better than I do knows how to fix that. Finally you need to apply the following Lua filter when running Pandoc, so that the `
` elements wrapping the note lists really are divs and not `