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From: Pedro Linares <>
To: pandoc-discuss <pandoc-discuss-/>
Subject: Re: pdf-engine pdflatex not known
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2018 15:55:55 -0800 (PST)	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <004aece5-4f06-4b58-9578-ef630cbe331d-/>

[-- Attachment #1.1: Type: text/plain, Size: 14865 bytes --]

Ok, I just solved it by pdf-engine=pdflatex. It somehow seems that the long 
path does not work...

On Friday, January 5, 2018 at 12:44:24 AM UTC+1, Pedro Linares wrote:
> Kyle, I have the same problem (I run pandoc through SublimeText), but I 
> don't know what to do to fix it. How did you delete the symbolic link? 
> Anyways, I am not sure this will work for me, since I have no previous 
> installations, I am installing this all in a new Mac...
> Thanks,
> Pedro
> On Monday, November 13, 2017 at 3:29:41 AM UTC+1, Kyle Eggleton wrote:
>> Thanks John, 
>> I worked out the issue and it was an old symbolic link to pdflatex 
>> (pointing at the 2015 installation) in /usr/bin/local that was causing the 
>> problems. Deleting the symbolic link has now resulted in Pandoc 2 working 
>> fine. Thank you for your help and appreciate everything that you have done 
>> with Pandoc.
>> Kyle
>> On Monday, November 13, 2017 at 1:35:11 PM UTC+13, John MacFarlane wrote:
>>> Very strange -- there's no pdflatex error, just an 
>>> indication of failure. 
>>> Next step would be to create a (very simple) tex file using 
>>> echo "Hi" | pandoc -s -t latex -o my.tex 
>>> and then try running pdflatex directly of my.tex: 
>>> pdflatex my.tex 
>>> to see what happens. 
>>> +++ Kyle Eggleton [Nov 10 17 19:14 ]: 
>>> >   Have done as you suggested. Here is the verbose log: 
>>> >   mpholt55:Desktop kyle$ pandoc -r markdown --pdf-engine=pdflatex 
>>> > -o trial.pdf --verbose 
>>> >   [makePDF] temp dir: 
>>> >   
>>> /private/var/folders/65/gpz82csd1_s358m496fk0ff5lmh3lj/T/tex2pdf.5468 
>>> >   [makePDF] Command line: 
>>> >   pdflatex "-halt-on-error" "-interaction" "nonstopmode" 
>>> >   "-output-directory" 
>>> >   
>>> "/private/var/folders/65/gpz82csd1_s358m496fk0ff5lmh3lj/T/tex2pdf.5468" 
>>> >   
>>> "/private/var/folders/65/gpz82csd1_s358m496fk0ff5lmh3lj/T/tex2pdf.5468/ 
>>> >   input.tex" 
>>> >   [makePDF] Environment: 
>>> >   
>>> ("TEXINPUTS","/private/var/folders/65/gpz82csd1_s358m496fk0ff5lmh3lj/T/ 
>>> >   tex2pdf.5468:") 
>>> >   ("TERM_PROGRAM","Apple_Terminal") 
>>> >   ("SHELL","/bin/bash") 
>>> >   ("TERM","xterm-256color") 
>>> >   ("TMPDIR","/var/folders/65/gpz82csd1_s358m496fk0ff5lmh3lj/T/") 
>>> >   
>>> ("Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render","/private/tmp/ 
>>> >   u/Render") 
>>> >   ("TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION","388.1.1") 
>>> >   ("TERM_SESSION_ID","8FB45A14-DCBD-467E-8CAA-212CFEB01C0F") 
>>> >   ("USER","kyle") 
>>> >   
>>> ("SSH_AUTH_SOCK","/private/tmp/") 
>>> >   ("__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING","0x67480E71:0x0:0x2") 
>>> >   
>>> ("PATH","/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/TeX/texb 
>>> >   in:/opt/X11/bin") 
>>> >   ("PWD","/Users/kyle/Desktop") 
>>> >   ("LANG","en_NZ.UTF-8") 
>>> >   ("XPC_FLAGS","0x0") 
>>> >   ("XPC_SERVICE_NAME","0") 
>>> >   ("SHLVL","1") 
>>> >   ("HOME","/Users/kyle") 
>>> >   ("LOGNAME","kyle") 
>>> >   
>>> ("DISPLAY","/private/tmp/ 
>>> >   uartz:0") 
>>> >   ("SECURITYSESSIONID","186a7") 
>>> >   ("_","/usr/local/bin/pandoc") 
>>> >   ("OLDPWD","/Users/kyle") 
>>> >   [makePDF] Contents of 
>>> >   
>>> /private/var/folders/65/gpz82csd1_s358m496fk0ff5lmh3lj/T/tex2pdf.5468/i 
>>> >   nput.tex: 
>>> >   \PassOptionsToPackage{unicode=true}{hyperref} % options for packages 
>>> >   loaded elsewhere 
>>> >   \PassOptionsToPackage{hyphens}{url} 
>>> >   % 
>>> >   \documentclass[]{article} 
>>> >   \usepackage{lmodern} 
>>> >   \usepackage{amssymb,amsmath} 
>>> >   \usepackage{ifxetex,ifluatex} 
>>> >   \usepackage{fixltx2e} % provides \textsubscript 
>>> >   \ifnum 0\ifxetex 1\fi\ifluatex 1\fi=0 % if pdftex 
>>> >     \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} 
>>> >     \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} 
>>> >     \usepackage{textcomp} % provides euro and other symbols 
>>> >   \else % if luatex or xelatex 
>>> >     \usepackage{unicode-math} 
>>> >     \defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures=TeX,Scale=MatchLowercase} 
>>> >   \fi 
>>> >   % use upquote if available, for straight quotes in verbatim 
>>> >   environments 
>>> >   \IfFileExists{upquote.sty}{\usepackage{upquote}}{} 
>>> >   % use microtype if available 
>>> >   \IfFileExists{microtype.sty}{% 
>>> >   \usepackage[]{microtype} 
>>> >   \UseMicrotypeSet[protrusion]{basicmath} % disable protrusion for tt 
>>> >   fonts 
>>> >   }{} 
>>> >   \IfFileExists{parskip.sty}{% 
>>> >   \usepackage{parskip} 
>>> >   }{% else 
>>> >   \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} 
>>> >   \setlength{\parskip}{6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt} 
>>> >   } 
>>> >   \usepackage{hyperref} 
>>> >   \hypersetup{ 
>>> >               pdfborder={0 0 0}, 
>>> >               breaklinks=true} 
>>> >   \urlstyle{same}  % don't use monospace font for urls 
>>> >   \setlength{\emergencystretch}{3em}  % prevent overfull lines 
>>> >   \providecommand{\tightlist}{% 
>>> >     \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}\setlength{\parskip}{0pt}} 
>>> >   \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} 
>>> >   % Redefines (sub)paragraphs to behave more like sections 
>>> >   \ifx\paragraph\undefined\else 
>>> >   \let\oldparagraph\paragraph 
>>> >   \renewcommand{\paragraph}[1]{\oldparagraph{#1}\mbox{}} 
>>> >   \fi 
>>> >   \ifx\subparagraph\undefined\else 
>>> >   \let\oldsubparagraph\subparagraph 
>>> >   \renewcommand{\subparagraph}[1]{\oldsubparagraph{#1}\mbox{}} 
>>> >   \fi 
>>> >   % set default figure placement to htbp 
>>> >   \makeatletter 
>>> >   \def\fps@figure{htbp} 
>>> >   \makeatother 
>>> >   \date{} 
>>> >   \begin{document} 
>>> >   Hi 
>>> >   \end{document} 
>>> >   [makePDF] Run #1 
>>> >   [makePDF] Run #2 
>>> >   [makePDF] Run #3 
>>> >   Error producing PDF. 
>>> >   On Saturday, November 11, 2017 at 3:58:18 PM UTC+13, John MacFarlane 
>>> >   wrote: 
>>> > 
>>> >     You only provided part of the log (and I didn't see any 
>>> >     error messages).  Try converting with --pdf-engine=pdflatex 
>>> >     and a really simple input file like ("*hi*"). 
>>> >     If it succeeds with the simple file, then the problem has 
>>> >     to do with the content in your file.  In this case we'd 
>>> >     need to see more of the verbose log. 
>>> >     +++ Kyle Eggleton [Nov 10 17 18:48 ]: 
>>> >     >   Hi John. Thanks for getting back. I have tried both - yes 
>>> >     pdflatex is 
>>> >     >   executable at /Libary/TeX/Root/bin/x86_64-darwin/pdflatex and 
>>> at 
>>> >     the 
>>> >     >   new Tex-2017 installation at /Library/Tex/texbin. Yes I have 
>>> >     tried 
>>> >     >   putting pdf-engine=pdflatex in the command and this produces 
>>> the 
>>> >     error 
>>> >     >   message "Error producing PDF" with no other details. The 
>>> verbose 
>>> >     log is 
>>> >     >   attached above. 
>>> >     >   On Saturday, November 11, 2017 at 3:38:49 PM UTC+13, John 
>>> >     MacFarlane 
>>> >     >   wrote: 
>>> >     > 
>>> >     >     Have you verified that you have an executable file at 
>>> >     >     /Library/TeX/Root/bin/x86_64-darwin/pdflatex ? 
>>> >     >     If pdflatex is in your path, can you try just 
>>> >     >     --pdf-engine=pdflatex ? 
>>> >     >     +++ Kyle Eggleton [Nov 10 17 16:28 ]: 
>>> >     >     >   Hi, I have just updated to pandoc on my Mac 
>>> >     running 
>>> >     >     MacOS 
>>> >     >     >   10.12.6 and since updating I have been unable to 
>>> generate 
>>> >     PDFs. 
>>> >     >     The 
>>> >     >     >   error message that I am getting is pdf-engine 
>>> >     >     >   /Library/Tex/Root/bin/x86-64-darwin/pdflatex not known. 
>>> >     >     >   My command is: pandoc -r markdown -markdown+smart -N 
>>> >     --filter 
>>> >     >     >   /usr/local/bin/pandoc-crossref --filter 
>>> >     >     /usr/local/bin/pandoc-citeproc 
>>> >     >     >   
>>> --pdf-engine=/Library/TeX/Root/bin/x86_64-darwin/pdflatex 
>>> >     >     >   --template=/Users/kyle/Documents/IT/Pandoc/templates/ 
>>> >     >     thesis.latex 
>>> >     >     >   [1][1] -o file.pdf 
>>> >     >     >   This command was working fine prior to updating to the 
>>> new 
>>> >     >     version of 
>>> >     >     >   Pandoc (noting that the old command included 
>>> >     >     >   --latex-engine=path/to/pdflatex rather than 
>>> >     >     >   pdf-engine=path/to/pdflatex) 
>>> >     >     >   I have verified that I have the correct path to 
>>> pdflatex. 
>>> >     >     > 
>>> >     >     >   -- 
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>>> >     >     > 
>>> >     >     >References 
>>> >     >     > 
>>> >     >     >   1. mailto:[7][5]pandoc-discuss+ 
>>> >     unsub...-/ 
>>> >     >     >   2. mailto:[8]pandoc-...-/ 
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>>> >     >     >   4. [10][8] 
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>>> >     > 
>>> >     >References 
>>> >     > 
>>> >     >   1. [14] 
>>> >     >   2. javascript:/ 
>>> >     >   3. javascript:/ 
>>> >     >   4. [15] 
>>> >     msgid/pandoc-discuss/d6542d6e-931b-4855- 
>>> >     >   5. [16] 
>>> >     >   6. [17] 
>>> >     >   7. javascript:/ 
>>> >     >   8. javascript:/ 
>>> >     >   9. [18] 
>>> >     msgid/pandoc-discuss/d6542d6e-931b-4855-8673-4d0156d46121@ 
>>> > 
>>> >     >  10. [19] 
>>> >     >  11. mailto:[20]pandoc-discuss+unsubscribe-/ 
>>> >     >  12. mailto:[21]pandoc-...-/ 
>>> >     >  13. [22] 
>>> >     msgid/pandoc-discuss/e9a5dc66-97b7-4842-bc39-71f9f2a83682@ 
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>>> >     >  14. [23] 
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>>> > 
>>> >References 
>>> > 
>>> >   1. 
>>> >   2. 
>>> >   3. 
>>> >   4. 
>>> >   5. javascript:/ 
>>> >   6. 
>>> >   7. http://931b-4855-8673-4d0156d46121-/ 
>>> >   8. 
>>> >   9. javascript:/ 
>>> >  10. javascript:/ 
>>> >  11. 
>>> >  12. 
>>> >  13. 
>>> >  14. 
>>> >  15. 
>>> >  16. 
>>> >  17. 
>>> >  18. 
>>> >  19. 
>>> >  20. javascript:/ 
>>> >  21. javascript:/ 
>>> >  22. 
>>> >  23. 
>>> >  24. mailto:pandoc-discuss+unsubscribe-/ 
>>> >  25. mailto:pandoc-...-/ 
>>> >  26. 
>>> >  27. 

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[-- Attachment #1.2: Type: text/html, Size: 33320 bytes --]

  parent reply	other threads:[~2018-01-04 23:55 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 11+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2017-11-11  0:28 Kyle Eggleton
     [not found] ` <d6542d6e-931b-4855-8673-4d0156d46121-/>
2017-11-11  2:30   ` Kyle Eggleton
2017-11-11  2:38   ` John MacFarlane
     [not found]     ` <>
2017-11-11  2:48       ` Kyle Eggleton
     [not found]         ` <e9a5dc66-97b7-4842-bc39-71f9f2a83682-/>
2017-11-11  2:58           ` John MacFarlane
     [not found]             ` <>
2017-11-11  3:14               ` Kyle Eggleton
     [not found]                 ` <ac0af97c-47b8-4897-b61d-70f6c3ca6378-/>
2017-11-13  0:34                   ` John MacFarlane
     [not found]                     ` <>
2017-11-13  2:29                       ` Kyle Eggleton
     [not found]                         ` <d6d5710d-8e7e-477a-acef-062613ec460a-/>
2018-01-04 23:44                           ` Pedro Linares
     [not found]                             ` <004aece5-4f06-4b58-9578-ef630cbe331d-/>
2018-01-04 23:55                               ` Pedro Linares [this message]
     [not found]                                 ` <511bcc1e-0537-46d0-a918-637bf2e769a7-/>
2018-01-05  1:38                                   ` John MACFARLANE

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