Hi everybody, I have written a custom latex `.cls' file to establish a typesetting workflow for the scientific journals of my research institute. The texts should be written in Markdown and then be processed with `pandoc' to LaTeX. I already have an elaborated pandoc template to produce the LaTeX preambel etc. So far its working great. But for the figures I need the caption from the Markdown file to be set with `\sidecaption' instead of `\caption' in LaTeX, as well as with an optional argument (short-caption) for the image attribution in the list of figures. To get the latter working I use the following template from a GitHub discussion in the [pandoc repo]: ┌──── │ PANDOC_VERSION:must_be_at_least '3.1' │ │ if FORMAT:match 'latex' then │ function Figure(f) │ local short = f.content[1].content[1].attributes['short-caption'] │ if short and not f.caption.short then │ f.caption.short = pandoc.Inlines(short) │ end │ return f │ end │ end └──── That works without any flaws. But now I need to figure out how to change the LaTeX macro used for the caption. The older [approach of pre pandoc version 3.0 posted] by tarleb is really intuitive and I could have easily adapted it to my needs. But since pandoc 3.0 there is the new [/complex figures/] approach and, so far, I couldn't figure out how to change the LaTeX macro used for the captions with this new behaviour. I tried something like that (Adapted from [here]: ┌──── │ if FORMAT:match 'latex' then │ function RawBlock (raw) │ local caption = raw.text:match('\\caption') │ if caption then │ raw:gsub('\\caption', '\\sidecaption') │ end │ return raw │ end │ end └──── But nothing happened. The main challenge for me are my more-or-less non-existing lua skills. I just never had to use it for my daily tasks. I thought about using `awk' or `sed' to edit the `.tex' file itself using a regex-substitution, but that should remain an absolute stopgap, since it makes the whole workflow less portable. Thus, I'm hoping for a hint/a solution in form of a pandoc-lua script which 1. helps me to achieve the goal, and 2. improve my understanding of lua and the /complex figures/ approach for similar future tasks. I appreciate any tipp! Best, Lukeflo This question is also posted on StackOverFlow: https://stackoverflow.com/q/77504584/19647155 [pandoc repo] [approach of pre pandoc version 3.0 posted] [/complex figures/] [here] -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "pandoc-discuss" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to pandoc-discuss+unsubscribe-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/Ez6ZCGd0@public.gmane.org To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/pandoc-discuss/51ca8210-3d60-4d5d-9af2-04c85995deb6n%40googlegroups.com.