Just a quick update: Adding references to LaTeX/PDF should now work as well. I've also refactored parts of the code/docs and put everything into a github repo:


Thomas J. schrieb am Mittwoch, 29. November 2023 um 19:29:15 UTC+1:
Thanks for the feedback! I simply was not aware of the fact that every @<WORD> string is apparently automatically converted into a Cite block in the AST, even without using citeproc (?). Anyhow, being aware of this fixed the problem. I've attached the filter, if someone is interested. It is still very raw and only for HTML (adding latex shouldnt be a huge problem though).

Thanks again for the help!

With best wishes,

William Lupton schrieb am Mittwoch, 29. November 2023 um 15:49:45 UTC+1:
From the information given, I think that the AST must still contain a fig:fig1 citation after your filter has run. Are you able to share your filter?

On Wed, 29 Nov 2023 at 13:28, 'Thomas J.' via pandoc-discuss <pandoc-...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,

Since pandoc-fignos isn't working anymore (at least, with my Pandoc version), I have written a Lua filter that basically does what fignos does, namely replacing tags such as @fig:fig1 with anchors/refs to the figures in html/latex. Now, if I am trying to use this filter without citeproc, everthing works as expected. The moment I use --citeproc, I get the error message "fig:fig1 citation not found" and I have no link in my output file. I am actually calling the lua filter BEFORE --citeproc in the command line... 

pandoc --lua-filter=filter/pandoc-figref.lua --citeproc --number-sections --from markdown --template=templates/phimisci-1-5.html --bibliography=$BIBLIOGRAPHY --csl=csl/apa7-single-spaced.csl yaml/gen-metadata.yaml article/$1 article/$2 -o $HTMLFILE

What am I missing? Thanks for the help!

Best wishes,

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