Also, why wouldn't 

What do you think about the theory of [@smith2000?]?

be valid formatting? 

Den torsdag 2 november 2017 kl. 08:39:29 UTC+1 skrev Björn Ekström:

Thanks for your replies. I could of course change the bibkeys. But since I am generating them through export from Zotero I would like to do so now and again when adding citations to a text, not having to edit each and every faulty bibkey each time this export process is done.

Albert Krewinkel: This script seems handy. Where do I place it? As a file by itself or inside the Markdown file? I tried the latter but I didn't seem to get it right.

Den onsdag 1 november 2017 kl. 21:41:48 UTC+1 skrev Albert Krewinkel:
If, for some reason, the bib keys cannot be changed, the combination of
spans and filters might come in handy:

Write citations as a markdown span


and use a filter like the following to convert the span into a citation.

    function Span(elem)
      if elem.classes[1] == "cite" then
        local citeId = elem.content[1].text
        local citeMode = pandoc.AuthorInText
        local citation = pandoc.Citation(citeId, citeMode)
        return pandoc.Cite(elem.content, {citation})
It is not a pretty solution, but you might find it useful regardless.

distantflag <> writes:

> I have an issue where the Markdown syntax for referring to bibliographical sources can't treat direct links to the entries in an BibLaTeX file.
> For instance, the BibLaTeX file looks like this:
> @online{statute._2014/foo:bar_title_????,
> title = {Title},
> author = {{Statute. 2014/Foo:Bar}},
> langid = {swedish}
> }
> @report{author_report:_2014,
> location = {Foobar},
> title = {Report: Foo (Bar)},
> url = {},
> author = {{Author}},
> urldate = {2017-11-01},
> date = {2014}
> }
> The Markdown formatting for referring to this would be
> [@statute._2014/foo:bar_title_????]
> and
> [@author_report:_2014]
> However, the question marks and the colon messes up the syntax formatting and the sources cannot be converted to plain text using pandoc.
> What can be done about this?

Albert Krewinkel
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