I am successfully using the [Obsidian Enhancing Export](https://github.com/mokeyish/obsidian-enhancing-export) to export notes using pandoc to HTML, DOCX, and PDF. 

The plugin preferences include default arguments that point to the Obsidian attachment folder using `--resource-path.` You can also add your own extra arguments to use extenstions, filters, or custom templates.

Here are the default arguments for exporting to HTML:
-f markdown --resource-path="${currentDir}" --resource-path="${attachmentFolderPath}" --lua-filter="${luaDir}/math_block.lua" --embed-resources --standalone --metadata title="${currentFileName}" -s -o "${outputPath}" -t html

Note there is also a preference in Files & Links in Obsidian that will format inserted images to `[[Wikilinks]]` format, which will not work with pandoc. Disabling this option will use the normal image markup `![](/path/to/image.png)`.

Hope this helps.
Screen Shot 2023-03-21 at10.49.33 AM.png

On Monday, March 20, 2023 at 12:50:27 PM UTC-5 Johan Lijffijt wrote:
I tried this in many different ways but it does not seem to work.
Added this to the option "extra pandoc arguments" on the obsidin plugin
Do not see an example how to refer to a different folder

Op maandag 20 maart 2023 om 17:43:57 UTC+1 schreef John MacFarlane:
See the manual under —resource-path

On Mar 20, 2023, at 5:11 AM, Johan Lijffijt <johanl...-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org> wrote:


I try to figure out how to use pandoc with the obsidian app. First issue i find is that pandic does not seem to find my attachment folder so i would be forced to place all atachment in the same root as my notes. 

I do see i can give arguments to Pandoc. Is there a way i can tell Pandoc where my attachments are located? 



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