When I have a markdown file like this:


The result of `pandoc --to=context foo.md` is `\quote{foo} \quotation{bar}`. The result of `pandoc --to=context --output=foo.pdf foo.md` is what I would expect: single quotes around 'foo' and double quotes around 'bar'. The output of `pandoc --metadata=lang:en-GB --to=context foo.md` is the same. But, the output of `pandoc --metadata=lang:en-GB --to=context --output=foo.pdf foo.md` has double quotes around 'foo' and single quotes around 'bar'.

I could solve this by using double quotes where I want single, and vice versa. But that will give the wrong result for HTML from the same source. Also, I'm sure that I would forget half the time.

I assume that this happens because Pandoc treats the double quote as the 'top' level of quotes, which in US English is a double quote and in UK English (in this case, confusingly) is a single quote. I don't think it's a bug, therefore.

I think that the same thing happens with csquotes and LaTeX. But there I don't turn on csquotes.

Is there some way to get the behaviour I want while still using British English?

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