Thanks. I implemented a similar idea in Python in

Reproduced below.

Expressing that idea in Python (and panflute) seems quite verbose. May be there’s smarter way, below is quite procedural:

from __future__ import annotations
import panflute as pf
from panflute.elements import Element, Doc

def merge_emph(elem: Element, doc: Doc) -> list[Element] | None:
    """Merge neighboring Emph with optionally Space between them."""
    if isinstance(elem, pf.Block):
        content = elem.content
        n = len(content)

        mutated = False
        # walk in reverse direction to avoid mutating current location i
        # also start with the 2nd last entry because we're matching 2 or more elements
        for i in range(n - 2, -1, -1):
            elem_cur = content[i]
            # remember that we are mutated content and therefore len(content) changes too
            elem_next = None if i + 1 >= len(content) else content[i + 1]
            elem_next_next = None if i + 2 >= len(content) else content[i + 2]
            if isinstance(elem_cur, pf.Emph):
                if isinstance(elem_next, pf.Emph):
                    merged = list(elem_cur.content) + list(elem_next.content)
                    content = list(content[:i]) + [pf.Emph(*merged)] + list(content[i + 2 :])
                    mutated = True
                elif isinstance(elem_next, pf.Space):
                    if isinstance(elem_next_next, pf.Emph):
                        merged = list(elem_cur.content) + [pf.Space] + list(elem_next_next.content)
                        content = list(content[:i]) + [pf.Emph(*merged)] + list(content[i + 3 :])
                        mutated = True
        if mutated:
            elem.content = content
    return None
On Thursday, December 16, 2021 at 6:49:52 PM UTC-8 John MacFarlane wrote:

Yes, normalization is handled automatically -- but what we
mean by normalization doesn't include your case, where the
Space is *outside* the Emph and would be brought inside it.

You could write a filter that does this sort of normalization.
It would look in [Inline] lists for the pattern

Emph xs , Space , Emph ys

and convert this to

Emph (xs ++ Space:ys)

"" <christi...-Re5JQEeQqe8@public.gmane.orgm> writes:

> Hi,
> I recently have a situation that I want to have adjacent Emph separated by
> Space to be “normalized”, combined to a single Emph. (And variants like
> this.)
> --normalize is removed in
> and I’m not sure if it is related.
> Example:
> $ echo "*text* *abc*" | pandoc -f markdown -t native
> [ Para [ Emph [ Str "text" ] , Space , Emph [ Str "abc" ] ]
> ]
> Is there someway to make it
> [ Para [ Emph [ Str "text" , Space , Str "abc" ] ] ]
> ]
> Instead?
> Another example is (perhaps generated in a filter)
> [ Para [ Emph [ Str "text " ] , Emph [ Str "abc" ] ]]
> Is there some way to normalize it to
> [ Para [ Emph [ Str "text" ] , Space, Emph [ Str "abc" ] ]]
> When I say “some way”, preferably it is some pandoc flags (for example
> native to markdown then markdown to native is not reliable for the space
> problem above and won’t work to merge adjacent Emph), but even if we’re
> talking about doing it in filter, how to do things like this reliably?
> Thanks.
> P.S.
> Even for
> [ Para [ Emph [ Str "text" ] , Emph [ Str "abc" ] ]]
> won’t be normalized:
> $ echo '[ Para [ Emph [ Str "text" ] , Emph [ Str "abc" ] ]]' | pandoc -f native -t native
> [ Para [ Emph [ Str "text" ] , Emph [ Str "abc" ] ] ]
> But the text in the commit message seems to suggest it should:
> normalization is handled automatically by the Builder monoid instance.
> (But the commit is old so may be there’s more to it in the later commits.)
> ​
> --
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