Hello, all,

I would like to be able to remove the parentheses around my citations when they're in footnotes. I'm writing in Markdown and converting to PDF using Chicago full-note style.

For example, it is common for me to write a footnote like this:

[^history]: For a more complete history of how the category of social or structural sin developed in Catholic magisterial teaching, see [@pfeil2002]. For a thematic presentation, see [@finn2016, 139--42].

Right now, that renders: "...see (Margaret Pfeil, [etc., etc.])." I would like to remove those outer parentheses. There are a number of other similar use cases. There are occasional cases where I do want the parentheses, but I am happy to produce those manually—i.e., by writing "...as has been amply documented ([@whatever1990])."

This might be a question of my template or CSL file rather than pandoc, but I figured I'd start here. Thank you for any help!


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