For posterity, this is fixed in 2.14.1.

On Saturday, 12 June 2021 at 21:34:25 UTC+2 wrote:
In working on a document with tiff images in it, I ran into some trouble. Basically the proportions of the tiff get changed in the output docx file. (Caveat: I don't have Word on my computer, but the macOS quicklook, Pages, LibreOffice, Google doc conversation, and some random on-line file converter all show the problem, so I take it that it's real.) I attach one of the problematic docx files.

It showed up for me like this:

An included tiff image had the wrong proportions in the output docx. The width was scaled down, so the image looked horizontally squished. I attach a screen shot where the first image is a jpeg version and the second a tiff. In that image, the jpeg has the dimensions of 1050x476, for a ratio of 2.20, which matches the original. The tiff is 750x500 for a ratio of 1.50 and the pixel height isn't the same as the jpeg either, so that's getting changed, too.

If I look at the document.xml in the unzipped version of the pandoc-generated docx, I see this, which provides a 1.5 ratio of cx to cy:

    <a:off x="0" y="0"/>
    <a:ext cx="3810000" cy="2540000"/>

If I use image magic's format command, the original tiff has the following relevant (I think) properties:

-  Geometry: 1758x798+0+0
-  Resolution: 300x300
-  Print size: 5.86x2.66
-  Units: PixelsPerInch

I don't see anything else that gets me to that 1.5 ratio. Note that both image files in the unzipped docx seem identical to the originals, so nothing is going on there.

2. In doing some testing, I came across a similar problem. I used imagemagick to create two identical images, one jpeg and the other tiff. Then I put them into a docx via pandoc:

> magick rose: -format jpeg -resize 600% -colorspace gray -units pixelsperinch -density 300 rose.jpeg
> magick rose: -format tiff -resize 600% -colorspace gray -units pixelsperinch -density 300 rose.tiff
> pandoc -t docx -o rose.docx




In this case the output images are very obviously differently sized, and the second once again has an aspect ratio of 1.5 (the original is 1.52, so the two images look identically proportioned to the eye). It also has the identical pixel size as the tiff in the other example. I attach this file.

If I output to odt, I get the following warning and the output file again has a wrongly ratio'd tiff (not shown, but it's square):

`[WARNING] Could not determine image size for rose.tiff: could not determine image type`

So something appears to be going on with reading tiffs.

Screen Shot 2021-06-12 at 14.33.55.png
Screen Shot 2021-06-12 at 14.44.57.png

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