Dear pandoc-discuss,

In my document, I have math that spans multiple lines. In my Markdown file's display LaTeX, I use `\newline` to separate my math across multiple lines. The problem is that the output will differ depending on my `--pdf-engine.` If I use Weasyprint with `--webtex` for example, `\newline` renders a line break properly. If I use LuaLaTeX (which is the engine I need), XeLaTeX, or PDFLaTeX, `\newline` has no effect. Here's a list of commands and markup I've tried alongside their output:

$ pandoc --pdf-engine=lualatex -V geometry:margin=1in -V fontsize=12pt -o out.pdf
V_{1} = R_{\text{V}, 1} I \newline\newline
I = \frac{V_{1}}{R_{\text{V}, 1}} \newline\newline
  = \frac{9.0}{300} \newline\newline
  = 0.03 \text A

$ pandoc --pdf-engine=weasyprint --webtex -o out.pdf # same latex

I looked it up, and one result[1] says I have to use `\begin{align*} ... \end{align*}`. I also tried {aligned}, {align}, {multiline} and {split} --- but the result is the same using each of these (except for multiline and align*, which produce errors. Multiline is undefined and align* is a nested environment, apparently). I really hope I didn't miss anything while looking this problem up. Am I even supposed to use \newline in the first place?


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