% Generated by Paperpile. Check out http://paperpile.com for more information. % BibTeX export options can be customized via Settings -> BibTeX. @BOOK{Euclid1573-ix, title = "La prospettiva di Euclide", author = "{Euclid}", editor = "Danti, Egnazio", year = 1573, address = "Florence", keywords = "Optics/Optics 3 - Renaissance;!!Cathetus;!Early Printed Books", language = "it" } @BOOK{Euclid1557-wz, title = "Optica et Catoptrica, nunquam antehac graece aedita", author = "{Euclid}", editor = "Pena, Jean", year = 1557, address = "Paris", keywords = "!!Cathetus;!Early Printed Books;Optics/Optics 3 - Renaissance", language = "la" } @BOOK{Stevin1605-ys, title = "Mathematica hypomnemata", author = "Stevin, Simon", volume = "3: De optica", year = 1605, address = "Leiden", keywords = "!Early Printed Books;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus", language = "la" } @BOOK{Nouhuys1998-vh, title = "The age of two-faced Janus: the comets of 1577 and 1618 and the decline of the Aristotelian world view in the Netherlands", author = "Nouhuys, Tabitta van", publisher = "Brill", series = "Brill's studies in intellectual history", year = 1998, address = "Leiden", keywords = " Aristotle--Knowledge--Astronomy;Comets--1577;Comets--1618;Astronomy--Netherlands--History;Janus (Roman deity);Optics/Optics 3 - Renaissance;Renaissance Math \& Science General;!!Cathetus" } @BOOK{Lejeune1954-ls, title = "Recherches sur la catoptrique grecque: d'apr{\`e}s les sources antiques et m{\'e}di{\'e}vales", author = "Lejeune, Albert", series = "M{\'e}moires de l'Acad{\'e}mie Royale de Belgique: Classe des Lettres et des Sciences Morales et Politiques", year = 1954, address = "Brussels", keywords = "Optics/Optics 1 - Ancient;Optics/Refraction: Ancient and Medieval;!!Cathetus", language = "fr" } @BOOK{Kepler1951-dw, title = "Gesammelte Werke", author = "Kepler, Johannes", editor = "Caspar, Max", publisher = "C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung", volume = "15: Briefe 1604-1607", year = 1951, address = "Munich", keywords = "Renaissance Math \& Science General;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus", language = "de" } @BOOK{Vimercato1565-vw, title = "In quatuor libros Aristotelis Meteorologicorum", author = "Vimercato, Francesco", year = 1565, address = "Venice", keywords = "!Early Printed Books;!!Cathetus" } @ARTICLE{Bordiga1925-fx, title = "Giovanni Battista Benedetti: Filosofo e matematico veneziano del secolo {XVI}", author = "Bordiga, Giovanni", journal = "Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti", volume = 85, number = 2, pages = "585--754", year = 1925, keywords = "Optics/Optics 3 - Renaissance;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus", language = "it" } @BOOK{Dijksterhuis1943-hn, title = "Simon Stevin", author = "Dijksterhuis, E J", publisher = "Martin Nijhoff", year = 1943, address = "The Hague", keywords = "Renaissance Math \& Science General;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus", language = "nl" } @BOOK{Stevin1605-da, title = "Wisconstighe Ghedachtenisse", author = "Stevin, Simon", volume = "3: Van de Deursichtighe", year = 1605, address = "Leiden", keywords = "!Early Printed Books;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus", language = "nl" } @BOOK{Stevin1605-pr, title = "Mathematica hypomnemata", author = "Stevin, Simon", year = 1605, address = "Leiden", keywords = "!Early Printed Books;!!Cathetus", language = "la" } @BOOK{Mersenne1623-yd, title = "Quaestiones celeberrimae in Genesim", author = "Mersenne, Marin", year = 1623, address = "Paris", keywords = "!Early Printed Books;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus", language = "lat" } @BOOK{Benedetti1585-mr, title = "Diversarum speculationum mathematicarum, et physicarum liber", author = "Benedetti, Giovanni Battista", year = 1585, address = "Turin", keywords = "!Early Printed Books;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus", language = "la" } @INCOLLECTION{Shapiro1990-rz, title = "The \textit{Optical Lectures} and the foundations of the theory of optical imagery", booktitle = "Before Newton: the life and times of Isaac Barrow", author = "Shapiro, Alan E", editor = "Feingold, Mordechai", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", pages = "105--178", year = 1990, address = "Cambridge England ; New York", keywords = "Collections;Optics/Optics 4 - Modern;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus", language = "eng" } @INCOLLECTION{Bellis2016-po, title = "The Perception of Spatial Depth in Kepler's and Descartes' Optics: A Study of an Epistemological Reversal", booktitle = "Boundaries, extents and circulations: space and spatiality in early modern natural philosophy", author = "Bellis, Delphine", editor = "Vermeir, Koen and Regier, Jonathan", publisher = "Springer", pages = "125--152", series = "Studies in history and philosophy of science", year = 2016, address = "Dordrecht", keywords = "Binocularism article;!!Cathetus" } @BOOK{Lejeune1956-in, title = "L'optique de Claude Ptol{\'e}m{\'e}e: dans la version latine d'apr{\`e}s l'arabe de l'{\'e}mir Eug{\`e}ne de Sicile", author = "Lejeune, Albert", publisher = "Brill", year = 1956, address = "Leiden", keywords = "Optics/Optics 1 - Ancient;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus", language = "fr" } @INCOLLECTION{Frangenberg1987-vk, title = "Il ``De visu'' di Giovan Battista Benedetti", booktitle = "Cultura, scienze e tecniche nella Venezia del Cinquecento: atti del convegno internazionale di studio Giovan Battista Benedetti e il suo tempo", author = "Frangenberg, Thomas", publisher = "Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti", pages = "271--282", year = 1987, address = "Venice", keywords = "Optics/Optics 3 - Renaissance;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus", language = "it" } @ARTICLE{Omodeo2009-pe, title = "La cosmologia infinitistica di Giovanni Battista Benedetti", author = "Omodeo, Pietro Daniel", journal = "Bruniana \& Campanelliana", publisher = "Accademia Editoriale", volume = 15, number = 1, pages = "181--190", year = 2009, keywords = "Renaissance Math \& Science General;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus" } @ARTICLE{Field1985-tz, title = "Giovanni Battista Benedetti on the Mathematics of Linear Perspective", author = "Field, J V", journal = "Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes", publisher = "Warburg Institute", volume = 48, pages = "71--99", year = 1985, keywords = "Renaissance Math \& Science General;Optics/Optics 3 - Renaissance;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus" } @BOOK{Lindberg1976-jm, title = "Theories of Vision from {Al-Kindi} to Kepler", author = "Lindberg, David C", publisher = "University of Chicago Press", year = 1976, address = "Chicago", keywords = "Optics/Optics 5 - Surveys and General;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus" } @BOOK{Lindberg1970-qw, title = "John Pecham and the science of optics: Perspectiva communis", author = "Lindberg, David", publisher = "University of Wisconsin Press", series = "University of Wisconsin publications in medieval science", year = 1970, address = "Madison", keywords = "Optics--Early works to 1800;Optics/Optics 2 - Medieval;!!Cathetus" } @BOOK{Smith2014-ae, title = "From Sight to Light: The Passage from Ancient to Modern Optics", author = "Smith, A Mark", publisher = "University of Chicago Press", year = 2014, address = "Chicago", keywords = "Optics/Optics 5 - Surveys and General;!!Cathetus" } @BOOK{Darrigol2012-tj, title = "A History of Optics from Greek Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century", author = "Darrigol, O", publisher = "Oxford University Press", year = 2012, address = "Oxford", keywords = "Optics/Optics 5 - Surveys and General;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus" } @PHDTHESIS{De_Wreede2007-pv, title = "Willebrord Snellius (1580-1626): a humanist reshaping the mathematical sciences", author = "De Wreede, LC", publisher = "igitur-archive.library.uu.nl", year = 2007, school = "Utrecht", keywords = "Optics/Optics 4 - Modern/Snell;Optics/Optics 4 - Modern;!!Cathetus" } @ARTICLE{Gilbert1965-of, title = "Francesco Vimercato of Milan: A {Bio-Bibliography}", author = "Gilbert, Neal W", journal = "Studies in the Renaissance", volume = 12, pages = "188--217", year = 1965, keywords = "Binocularism article;!!Cathetus" } @ARTICLE{Ruby1986-sm, title = "The Origins of Scientific ``Law''", author = "Ruby, Jane E.", journal = "Journal of the history of ideas", volume = 47, number = 3, pages = "341--359", year = 1986, keywords = "Thomas Harriot;Optics/Optics 5 - Surveys and General;Law of Nature;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus" } @ARTICLE{Dijksterhuis2004-de, title = "Once Snell Breaks Down: From Geometrical to Physical Optics in the Seventeenth Century", author = "Dijksterhuis, Fokko Jan", journal = "Annals of science", volume = 61, number = 2, pages = "165--185", year = 2004, keywords = "Thomas Harriot;Optics/Optics 4 - Modern;!!Cathetus" } @ARTICLE{Lejeune1947-xr, title = "Les lois de la r{\'e}flexion dans l'optique de Ptolem{\'e}e", author = "Lejeune, Albert", journal = "L'Antiquit{\'e} Classique", volume = 15, number = 2, pages = "241--56", year = 1947, keywords = "Optics/Optics 1 - Ancient;!!Cathetus" } @ARTICLE{Smith1999-wc, title = "Ptolemy and the Foundations of Ancient Mathematical Optics: A Source Based Guided Study", author = "Smith, A. Mark", journal = "Transactions of the American Philosophical Society", volume = 89, number = 3, pages = "1--172", series = "New Series", month = jan, year = 1999, keywords = "Optics/Optics 1 - Ancient;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus" } @INCOLLECTION{Lorch1985-fg, title = "{Pseudo-Euclid} on the Position of the Image in Reflection: Interpretations by an Anonymous Commentator, by Pena, and by Kepler", booktitle = "The Light of Nature: Essays in the History and Philosophy of Science presented to A. C. Crombie", author = "Lorch, Richard", editor = "North, J D and Roche, J J", publisher = "Martinus Nijhoff", pages = "135--44", series = "Archives internationales d'histoire des id{\'e}es", year = 1985, address = "Dordrecht", keywords = "Optics/Optics 3 - Renaissance;!!Cathetus" } @ARTICLE{Turbayne1959-da, title = "Grosseteste and an Ancient Optical Principle", author = "Turbayne, Colin M.", journal = "Isis; an international review devoted to the history of science and its cultural influences", volume = 50, number = 4, pages = "467--472", month = dec, year = 1959, keywords = "Optics/Optics 2 - Medieval;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus" } @ARTICLE{Smith2005-uz, title = "Reflections on the {Hockney-Falco} Thesis: Optical Theory and Artistic Practice in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries", author = "Smith, A. Mark", journal = "Early science and medicine", volume = 10, number = 2, pages = "163--186", year = 2005, keywords = "Optics/Optics 3 - Renaissance/Hockney Thesis Dupre Collection;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus" } % The entry below contains non-ASCII chars that could not be converted % to a LaTeX equivalent. @ARTICLE{Smith2006-eg, title = "Alhacen on the Principles of Reflection: A Critical Edition, with English Translation and Commentary, of Books 4 and 5 of Alhacen's ``De Aspectibus'', the Medieval Latin Version of Ibn al-Haytham's ``Kit{\=a}b al-Man{\=a}ẓir''. Volume One: Introduction and Latin Text", author = "Smith, A. Mark", journal = "Transactions of the American Philosophical Society", volume = 96, number = 2, pages = "i--288", series = "New Series", month = jan, year = 2006, keywords = "Optics/Optics 2 - Medieval;!!Cathetus" } @INCOLLECTION{Chen-Morris2001-rk, title = "Kepler's Critique of the Medieval Perspectivist Tradition", booktitle = "Optics and Astronomy", author = "Chen-Morris, Raz Dov and Unguru, Sabetai", editor = "Simon, G{\'e}rard and D{\'e}barbat, Suzanne", publisher = "Brepols", volume = 12, pages = "83--92", series = "Proceedings of the XXth International Congress of History of Science (Li{\`e}ge, 20--26 July 1997)", year = 2001, address = "Turnhout", keywords = "Optics/Optics 3 - Renaissance;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus" } @INCOLLECTION{Dupr2007-vk, title = "Images in the Air: Optical Games, Magic and Imagination", booktitle = "Spirits Unseen: The Representation of Subtle Bodies in Early Modern European Culture", author = "Dupr{\'e}, Sven", editor = "{Christine G{\"o}ttler} and {Wolfgang Neuber}", publisher = "Brill", volume = 9, pages = "71--92", year = 2007, address = "Leiden; Boston", keywords = "Europe Civilization., Spirits History.;Optics/Optics 3 - Renaissance;Binocularism article;!!Cathetus", language = "eng" } @BOOK{Euclid1895-nk, title = "Opera omnia", author = "{Euclid}", editor = "Heiberg, J L", publisher = "B. G. Teubner", volume = "7: Euclidis Optica ... Catoptrica", year = 1895, address = "Leipzig" } @INCOLLECTION{Takahashi1992-pa, title = "The Problem of the Authorship of the Catoptrica : A Refutation of the Standard View of the Work, Mainly Focussing on Heiberg's Arguments", booktitle = "The Medieval Latin Traditions of Euclid's Catoptrica: a critical edition of De speculis with an introduction, English translation, and commentary", author = "Takahashi, Ken'ichi", editor = "Takahashi, Ken'ichi", publisher = "Kyushu University Press", pages = "13--37", chapter = 2, year = 1992, address = "Kyushu" } @BOOK{Smith1996-fg, title = "Ptolemy's Theory of Visual Perception: An English Translation of the ``Optics'' with Introduction and Commentary", author = "Smith, A Mark", publisher = "American Philosophical Society", series = "Transactions of the American Philosophical Society", year = 1996, address = "Philadelphia" } @BOOK{Weinrich1998-zr, title = "Die Lichtbrechung in den Theorien von Descartes und Fermat", author = "Weinrich, Klaus", publisher = "F. Steiner", series = "Sudhoffs Archiv: Beihefte", year = 1998, address = "Stuttgart", language = "de" } @BOOK{Alhazen1572-qk, title = "Opticae thesaurus", author = "{Alhazen} and {Witelo}", editor = "Risner, Friedrich", year = 1572, address = "Basel", language = "la" } @ARTICLE{De_Waard1935-fj, title = "Le manuscrit perdu de Snellius sur la r{\'e}fraction", author = "De Waard, Cornelis", journal = "Janus", publisher = "Brill", volume = 39, pages = "51--73", year = 1935, language = "fr" }